.. vim: ft=rst ############################## Applying deformations exercise ############################## Requirements: * :doc:`numpy_squeeze`; * :doc:`numpy_transpose`; * :doc:`resampling_with_ndimage`; * :doc:`nibabel_affines`; * :doc:`map_coordinates`. .. nbplot:: :include-source: false >>> # compatibility with Python 2 >>> from __future__ import print_function >>> from __future__ import division .. nbplot:: >>> #: standard imports >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # print arrays to 4 decimal places >>> np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True) >>> import numpy.linalg as npl >>> import nibabel as nib .. nbplot:: >>> #: gray colormap and nearest neighbor interpolation by default >>> plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray' >>> plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest' **************************** Applying a deformation field **************************** We should have already calculated the deformation field for the image ``ds107_sub012_highres.nii``. We did this using the SPM12 ``Normalise: Estimate`` option from the GUI. This should have left an image called ``y_ds107_sub012_highres.nii`` in your working directory. If not: * Ask for help; * If you get stuck, you can download the image from :download:`y_ds107_sub012_highres.nii`. We make an image object for this deformations image by loading with nibabel. .. nbplot:: >>> #: load y_ds107_sub012_highres.nii with nibabel >>> # get the image array data >>> deformations_img = nib.load('y_ds107_sub012_highres.nii') >>> deformations_data = deformations_img.get_data() >>> deformations_data.shape (121, 145, 121, 1, 3) We are going to work out how to apply this *deformations* image to reslice our original image :download:`ds107_sub012_highres.nii`. Oddly - this is a 5 dimensional image, where the 4th dimension is length 1. The length-1 4th dimension is an artefact of the `NIfTI image format `_ |--| so let's get rid of this dimension with :doc:`np.squeeze `: .. nbplot:: >>> #: remove length-1 4th dimension from deformation data >>> deformations_data = np.squeeze(deformations_data) >>> deformations_data.shape (121, 145, 121, 3) The data is now a 4-dimensional image, containing 3 volumes. These volumes are: * x coordinates; * y coordinates; * z coordinates respectively. Put another way, the vector ``deformations_data[i, j, k, :]`` gives the (x, y, z) coordinates for the voxel ``[i, j, k]``. More on this later. If you were looking carefully at the SPM interface, SPM has calculated the distortions necessary to go from a template of *tissue probability maps* (called ``TPM.nii``) to the ``ds107_sub012_highres.nii`` image. We can get the original 3D shape and affine of ``TPM.nii`` because SPM stored them in ``y_ds107_sub012_highres.nii``: .. nbplot:: >>> #: get original TPM.nii 3D shape and affine >>> tpm_shape = deformations_data.shape[:3] >>> tpm_affine = deformations_img.affine >>> tpm_affine array([[ -1.5, 0. , 0. , 90. ], [ 0. , 1.5, 0. , -126. ], [ 0. , 0. , 1.5, -72. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ]]) First we look at the images before the normalization has been applied. To do that, we will make a new copy of the MNI template, with the same shape as the TPM image. The MNI template image we will use is :download:`mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_asym_09a.nii`. .. nbplot:: >>> #: load the template image we will resample from >>> template_img = nib.load('mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_asym_09a.nii') >>> template_data = template_img.get_data() >>> template_data.shape (197, 233, 189) Now we need the mapping from voxels in ``TPM.nii`` to voxels in ``mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_asym_09a.nii``. We can break this down into two transforms: * from voxels in ``TPM.nii`` to (x, y, z) mm; * from (x, y, z) mm to voxels in ``mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_asym_09a.nii``. We have these transforms already. The full transform is: .. nbplot:: >>> #: voxels in TPM.nii to voxels in mni_icbm152_t1_tal_nlin_asym_09a.nii >>> # Matrix multiplication is right to left >>> vox2vox = npl.inv(template_img.affine).dot(tpm_affine) >>> vox2vox array([[ -1.5, 0. , 0. , 188. ], [ 0. , 1.5, 0. , 8. ], [ 0. , 0. , 1.5, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ]]) We break this down into the 3 x 3 ``mat`` and length 3 ``vec`` components: .. nbplot:: >>> #: to mat and vec >>> mat, vec = nib.affines.to_matvec(vox2vox) >>> mat array([[-1.5, 0. , 0. ], [ 0. , 1.5, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 1.5]]) >>> vec array([ 188., 8., 0.]) Then we resample from the MNI template, into the voxel grid of the ``TPM.nii``: .. nbplot:: >>> #: resample MNI template onto TPM grid >>> from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform >>> template_into_tpm = affine_transform(template_data, mat, vec, ... output_shape=tpm_shape) >>> template_into_tpm.shape (121, 145, 121) Here is the new version of the template image: .. nbplot:: >>> #: plot the template image resampled onto the TPM grid >>> plt.imshow(template_into_tpm[:, :, 60]) <...> Now, what to do with with the SPM distortion field in ``deformations_data``? By checking in the SPM source code [#spm-deform-detective]_, it is possible to work out that ``deformations_data`` contains, for every voxel in TPM, the corresponding mm coordinate in the *mm space* of the subject image. That is, ``deformations_data[i, j, k]`` is a length 3 vector ``[x, y, z]`` where ``[x, y, z]`` are the mm coordinates of voxel ``[i, j, k]`` when mapped into millimeters for the subject image. Here is the subject data, and the image, which contains the affine: .. nbplot:: >>> #: load the subject data that we will resample from >>> subject_img = nib.load('ds107_sub012_highres.nii') >>> subject_data = subject_img.get_data() >>> subject_data.shape (256, 208, 192) With this information, and with the ``scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates`` function, you should be able to: * get the mapping from voxels in TPM to voxels in the subject image and; * resample the subject image into the grid of the TPM image using this mapping. Hint: remember that :doc:`map_coordinates ` expects the 3-length coordinate dimension to be first, but ``deformations_data`` |--| at the moment |--| has the 3-length coordinate dimension last. .. rewrite using reshape, mat vec .. nbplot:: >>> #- * get mapping from voxels in TPM to voxels in the subject image; >>> #- * resample the subject image into the grid of the TPM image using >>> #- this mapping. >>> from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates >>> vox2vox_mapping = nib.affines.apply_affine(npl.inv(subject_img.affine), deformations_data) >>> for_map_coords = vox2vox_mapping.transpose(3, 0, 1, 2) >>> subject_into_tpm = map_coordinates(subject_data, for_map_coords) >>> subject_into_tpm.shape (121, 145, 121) Show an example slice from the template resampled into the TPM voxel grid, and the subject resampled into the TPM voxel grid: .. nbplot:: >>> #- show an example slice from the resampled template and resampled >>> #- subject >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5)) >>> axes[0].imshow(template_into_tpm[:, :, 60]) <...> >>> axes[1].imshow(subject_into_tpm[:, :, 60]) <...> .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#spm-deform-detective] It's not very easy to work through the SPM12 source code for this, but if you want to check for yourself, you'll find that the SPM batch interface for "Normalise: Write" is in `config/spm_run_norm.m `_. The batch interface calls the sub-function `norm_write `_. ``norm_write`` collects the NIfTI file with the ``y_`` prefix that contains the deformations, if the user did not specify the file, and calls the ``spm_deformations`` function. This function in turn calls down into the `pull_def `_ sub-function, in which SPM calculates the matrix ``Y``, which is the (I, J, K, 3) image data from the deformations NIfTI file, left multiplied by the mm to voxel mapping for the image being resampled. ``pull_def`` then resamples from the image to which we are applying "Normalize: Write", using the ``Y`` array as voxel coordinates. Therefore the ``y_``-prefixed deformation field image contains the coodinates mapping from voxels in the template to millimeters in the image that was registered.