###################################### 4D arrays, time series and diagnostics ###################################### ************************* 4D arrays and time series ************************* * Loading images with nibabel_; * 4D images as collections of 3D images; * getting volumes from 4D images; * getting time-series from 4D images by slicing; * intro page: :doc:`intro_to_4d`; * exercise: :doc:`four_dimensions_exercise`. ********************* Modules and functions ********************* * intro :doc:`on_modules`. * exercise:: git clone https://github.com/psych-214-fall-2016/classwork cd classwork/day_02 ipython then (in IPython):: run spm_funcs.py **************************************** Introduction to the diagnostics exercise **************************************** See :ref:`diagnostics-preparation`; ********************************** Reading and homework for next week ********************************** Reading is * chapter 8 of Huettel et al 2014 :cite:`huettel2014functional`; * `curious remotes`_ |--| the Curious Git section on using git to work with other repositories and other people. Homework is to continue the diagnostics exercise. See: :ref:`outlier-detection-project`.