################################# Project pitch, ANOVA with the GLM ################################# *************** Project pitches *************** Pitches for your project proposals - see :doc:`projects`. *********************************************** t tests and ANOVA with the general linear model *********************************************** * :doc:`diag_inverse`; * on `matrix rank`_; * :doc:`mean_test_example`; * :doc:`hypothesis_tests`; * :doc:`on_dummies_exercise`. ******************************** The neural and hemodynamic model ******************************** * the neural and hemodynamic model; * the concept of a hemodynamic response function (HRF); * using convolution with the HRF to make a BOLD regressor; * :doc:`convolution_background`; ********************************** Reading and homework for next week ********************************** * Finish the :doc:`on_dummies_exercise` |--| see :doc:`github_dummies_homework`; * Review the `tutorial on convolution`_; * Review Huettel chapter 7 - :cite:`huettel2014functional` |--| especially the parts on the hemodynamic response function.