\(\newcommand{L}[1]{\| #1 \|}\newcommand{VL}[1]{\L{ \vec{#1} }}\newcommand{R}[1]{\operatorname{Re}\,(#1)}\newcommand{I}[1]{\operatorname{Im}\, (#1)}\)

Modeling groups with dummy variables exercise

Introduction and definitions

>>> #: Import numerical and plotting libraries
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # Print to four digits of precision
>>> np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
>>> import numpy.linalg as npl
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

We return to the psychopathy of students from Berkeley and MIT.

We get psychopathy questionnaire scores from another set of 5 students from Berkeley:

>>> #: Psychopathy scores from UCB students
>>> ucb_psycho = np.array([2.9277, 9.7348, 12.1932, 12.2576, 5.4834])

We do the same for another set of 5 students from MIT:

>>> #: Psychopathy scores from MIT students
>>> mit_psycho = np.array([7.2937, 11.1465, 13.5204, 15.053, 12.6863])

Concatenate these into a psychopathy vector:

>>> #: Concatenate UCB and MIT student scores
>>> psychopathy = np.concatenate((ucb_psycho, mit_psycho))

We will use the general linear model to a two-level (UCB, MIT) single factor (college) analysis of variance on these data.

Our model is that the Berkeley student data are drawn from some distribution with a mean value that is characteristic for Berkeley: \(y_i = \mu_{Berkeley} + e_i\) where \(i\) corresponds to a student from Berkeley. There is also a characteristic but possibly different mean value for MIT: \(\mu_{MIT}\):

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\newcommand{\yvec}{\vec{y}} \newcommand{\xvec}{\vec{x}} \newcommand{\evec}{\vec{\varepsilon}} \newcommand{Xmat}{\boldsymbol X} \newcommand{\bvec}{\vec{\beta}} \newcommand{\bhat}{\hat{\bvec}} \newcommand{\yhat}{\hat{\yvec}}\\y_i = \mu_{Berkeley} + e_i \space\mbox{if}\space 1 \le i \le 5\\y_i = \mu_{MIT} + e_i \space\mbox{if}\space 6 \le i \le 10\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

We saw in introduction to the general linear model that we can encode this group membership with dummy variables. There is one dummy variable for each group. The dummy variables are indicator variables, in that they have 1 in the row corresponding to observations in the group, and zero elsewhere.

We will compile a design matrix \(\Xmat\) and use the matrix formulation of the general linear model to do estimation and testing:

\[\yvec = \Xmat \bvec + \evec\]

ANOVA design

Create the design matrix for this ANOVA, with dummy variables corresponding to the UCB and MIT student groups:

>>> #- Create design matrix for UCB / MIT ANOVA

Remember that, when \(\Xmat^T \Xmat\) is invertible, our least-squares parameter estimates \(\bhat\) are given by:

\[\bhat = (\Xmat^T \Xmat)^{-1} \Xmat^T \yvec\]

First calculate \(\Xmat^T \Xmat\). Are the columns of this design orthogonal?

>>> #- Calculate transpose of design with itself.
>>> #- Are the design columns orthogonal?

Calculate the inverse of \(\Xmat^T \Xmat\).

>>> #- Calculate inverse of transpose of design with itself.


What is the relationship of the values on the diagonal of \((\Xmat^T \Xmat)^{-1}\) and the number of values in each group?

Now calculate the second half of \((\Xmat^T \Xmat)^{-1} \Xmat^T \yvec\): \(\vec{p} = \Xmat^T \yvec\).

>>> #- Calculate transpose of design matrix multiplied by data


What is the relationship of each element in this vector to the values of ucb_psycho and mit_psycho?

Now calculate \(\bhat\) using \((\Xmat^T \Xmat)^{-1} \Xmat^T \yvec\):

>>> #- Calculate beta vector

Compare this vector to the means of the values in ucb_psycho and mit_psycho:

>>> #- Compare beta vector to means of each group


Using your knowledge of the parts of \((\Xmat^T \Xmat)^{-1} \Xmat^T \yvec\), explain the relationship of the values in \(\bhat\) to the means of ucb_psycho and mit_psycho.

Hypothesis testing with contrasts

Remember the student’s t statistic from the general linear model [1]:

\[\newcommand{\cvec}{\vec{c}} t = \frac{\cvec^T \bhat} {\sqrt{\hat{\sigma}^2 \cvec^T (\Xmat^T \Xmat)^+ \cvec}}\]

Let’s consider the top half of the t statistic, \(c^T \bhat\).

Our hypothesis is that the mean psychopathy score for MIT students, \(\mu_{MIT}\), is higher than the mean psychopathy score for Berkeley students, \(\mu_{Berkeley}\). What contrast vector \(\cvec\) do we need to apply to \(\bhat\) to express the difference between these means? Apply this contrast vector to \(\bhat\) to get the top half of the t statistic.

>>> #- Contrast vector to express difference between UCB and MIT
>>> #- Resulting value will be high and positive when MIT students have
>>> #- higher psychopathy scores than UCB students

Now the bottom half of the t statistic. Remember this is \(\sqrt{\hat{\sigma}^2 \cvec^T (\Xmat^T \Xmat)^+ \cvec}\).

First we generate \(\hat{\sigma^2}\) from the residuals of the model.

Calculate the fitted values and the residuals given the \(\bhat\) that you have already.

>>> #- Calculate the fitted and residual values

We want an unbiased variance estimate for \(\hat\sigma^2\). See the worked example of GLM page and the unbiased variance estimate section for details.

The general rule is that we divide the sum of squares by \(n - m\) where \(m\) is the number of independent columns in the design matrix. Specifically, \(m\) is the matrix rank of the design \(\Xmat\). \(m\) can also be called the degrees of freedom of the design. \(n - m\) is the degrees of freedom of the error (see unbiased variance estimate).

>>> #- Calculate the degrees of freedom consumed by the design
>>> #- Calculate the degrees of freedom of the error

Calculate the unbiased variance estimate \(\hat{\sigma^2}\) by dividing the sums of squares of the residuals by the degrees of freedom of the error.

>>> #- Calculate the unbiased variance estimate

Now the calculate second part of the t statistic denominator, \(\cvec^T (\Xmat^T \Xmat)^+ \cvec\). You already know that \(\Xmat^T \Xmat\) is invertible, and you have its inverse above, so you can use the inverse instead of the more general pseudo-inverse.

>>> #- Calculate c (X.T X)^-1 c.T


What is the relationship of \(\cvec^T (\Xmat^T \Xmat)^{-1} \cvec\) to \(p\) – the number of observations in each group?

Now, what is our t-value ?

Is this significant ? Use the stats module from scipy to create a t-distribution with df_error (degrees of freedom of the error). See the t_stat function in introduction to the general linear model for inspiration:

>>> #- Use scipy.stats to test if your t-test value is significant.


Now imagine your UCB and MIT groups are not of equal size. The total number of students \(n\) has not changed. Call \(b\) the number of Berkeley students in the \(n=10\), where \(b \in [1, 2, ... 9]\). Write the number of MIT students as \(n - b\). Using your reasoning for the case of equal group sizes above, derive a simple mathematical formula for the result of \(\cvec^T (\Xmat^T \Xmat)^{-1} \cvec\) in terms of \(b\) and \(n\). \(\cvec\) is the contrast you chose above. If all other things remain equal, such as \(n = 10\), the \(\hat{\sigma^2}\) and \(\cvec^T \bhat\), then which of the possible values of \(b\) should you chose to give the largest value for your t statistic?

Hypothesis testing: F-tests

Imagine we have also measured the clammy score for the Berkeley and MIT students.

>>> #: Clamminess of handshake for UCB and MIT students
>>> clammy = np.array([2.6386, 9.6094, 8.3379, 6.2871, 7.2775, 2.4787,
...                    8.6037, 12.8713, 10.4906, 5.6766])

We want to test whether the clammy score is useful in explaining the psychopathy data, over and above the students’ college affiliation.

To do this, we will use an F test.

An F-test compares a full model \(\Xmat_f\) with a reduced model \(\Xmat_r\).

In our case, \(\Xmat_f\) is the model containing the clammy regressor, as well as the two dummy columns for the UCB and MIT group means.

\(\Xmat_r\) is our original model, that only contains the dummy columns for the UCB and MIT group means.

We define \(SSR(\Xmat_r)\) and \(SSR(\Xmat_f)\) as in hypothesis tests. These are the Sums of Squares of the Residuals of the reduced and full model respectively.

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split}\bhat_r = \Xmat_r^+ \yvec \\ \hat\evec_r = \yvec - \Xmat_r \bhat_r \\ SSR(\Xmat_r) = \hat\evec_r^T \hat\evec_r \\\end{split}\\\begin{split}\bhat_f = \Xmat_f^+ \yvec \\ \hat\evec_f = \yvec - \Xmat_f \bhat_f \\ SSR(\Xmat_f) = \hat\evec_f^T \hat\evec_f\end{split}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

You can calculate the F statistic for adding the clammy regressor, by using these calculations and the formula for the F-test in F tests.


Make the alternative full model \(\Xmat_f\). Compute the extra degrees of freedom consumed by the design – \({\nu_1}\). Compute the extra sum of squares and the F statistic.


[1]Assume the default that for any \(\vec{v}\), \(\vec{v}\) is a column vector, and therefore that \(\vec{v}^T\) is a row vector.