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Participation – self evaluation


Please see the Project self-evaluation section for the deadline to send your self-evaluation emails.

Your participation grade is 27% of your final grade – see Logistics.

You can earn participation points from:

There is one grade point for one completed exercise, two for two completed exercises. For three completed exercises you earn an extra point to be counted to your project participation score.

Project self-evaluation

Email me (Matthew) a 3-page self evaluation by 5PM on Friday, December 16th.

Please follow this structure:

  1. Briefly describe your previous background in Python and git;
  2. Describe your overall role in the project;
  3. Discuss two significant pull requests that you worked on for the final project.
  4. Discuss one pull request for which you did a significant part of the review.
  5. Conclude by answering a few questions.


In a paragraph briefly describe your programming background. How much experience with Git and Python did you have before this class? Had you ever written automated unit tests before? Had you ever had your code peer-reviewed before?

Overall role in the project

  1. How did you help organize the work that your team did? Give evidence from discussions on the github interface or other discussions we (your graders) have access to, where you can;
  2. In what other ways did you contribute to the team, in addition to the pull requests you have used in the “pull requests” and “pull request review” sections below. For example, did you raise issues, or help others with the technical or neuroscience aspect of the work? Again, give evidence from public discussions where you can;

Pull requests

Choose two pull requests that you worked on for the final project. It is OK to discuss a pull request, which was ultimately not merged in the project repository either because it is unfinished or because it was rejected. Please provide links to the two pull requests.

For each pull request discuss the review process. How did your code or text contribution evolve during the review process? Did you uncover bugs or errors in your code and/or text as a result of the review process or the tests? If you co-wrote the pull request, please list your coauthors. In the end, was your pull request merged? Why or why not? What did your pull request contribute to the overall project?

Pull request review

Choose one pull request for which you did a significant part of the review. Please include a link to the pull request.

Describe what the pull request included (e.g., what functions or part of the final report did it address). Did you find any errors in the code or text? How did the pull request author(s) respond to your review? Where you able to improve the pull request? If so, in what way did you improve it?


Finally address the following questions:

  1. How did you improve your understanding of Git and Python during the project? Did you do outside reading? If so, what resources did you find helpful?
  2. What did you learn about your project that you think was most surprising or interesting?

General instructions

Here are few things to keep in mind while working on your self evaluation:

  1. Outline constraints you faced as well as reasons performance was hampered.
  2. Be objective about the things you found difficult as well as the things that you learned;
  3. Include a discussion of problem-solving methods you used during the project.

See Grading for participation.